Zachary Elijah Wayne
Founder – Philosopher’s Kingdom
Member – Ancient Mystical Order of the Rose Croix, Miami Lodge, 8th Degree
Member – The Martinist Order (TMO)
Practicioner – Kundalini Yoga

Zac was born to a mother & father in the United States Air Force, and was fortunate enough to travel throughout the world at a young age. As a child he was exposed to various cultures, including those of Japan, Korea, & Greece.
Finally after many years of travel, his family settled down in the great State of Ohio in the United States of America, where he arose in the life of a northerner. As a youth he fell in love with the game of basketball, where he admired the poetry in motion of such a great & challenging game.
In school he became an adamant student of History & the English Language. He would often marvel at the conquests of such gigantic personalities as Alexander the Great, & Napolean.
Around the age of 18, as he entered adulthood, he discovered a new passion. This passion would change the course of his life forever. He began to explore the Christian Bible, and was astonished at the wisdom that was contained inside it’s many pages. From the story of Joseph & his brothers, to the life & mission of Jesus, as he read more & more, he knew that something was calling to him. There was an outward knowledge that was evident, but what intrigued him more was the realization of a hidden & obscure knowledge that lied between the lines of that sacred book.
The next 9 years would be the beginning stages of a major change. What started off as a small fire was fanned by the winds of that great spirit, and his desire to learn grew with each passing day.
Finally, at the age of 27, Zac joined the Ancient Mystical Order of the Rose Croix, and embraced his life as a Philosopher & Mystic, where he continues to study & learn with his fellow initiates, and above all, serve his fellow man.

Unity Amongst Initiates
Bring together the initiates of the various mystery schools throughout the world, that they may have a common venue in which they may contribute to the wisdom of the ages.
For it is in the minds of these great men & women that the torch of reason is carried. May the flame of divine aspiration forever burn in the hearts of those that long to know, and in knowing, find that great spirit of truth.

Honor those that Came Before Us
Pay homage to those great minds that came before us, and provide a place of study that their works may be easily accessible.
The Masters of the past have laid the foundation of wisdom for us to build upon. Topics such as Philosophy, Sacred Geometry, Astrology, & Anatomy were heavily researched in times past, and much of what was known in antiquity has long since been forgotten.

Provide a Light to the Curious
For those that possess the seed of aspiration, there is no stronger desire than to know. In ancient times this was referred to as “Gnosis”.
May the wisest among us help those who knock at the door to find entrance, and in doing so, uncover the answers to life’s great mystery. For it is in the knowledge of divinity, in combination with the spirit of truth, that man unites with his creator, becoming a beacon of light to those around him.

Zachary Elijah Wayne
Founder – Philosopher’s Kingdom
Member – Ancient Mystical Order of the Rose Croix, Miami Lodge, 8th Degree
Member – The Martinist Order (TMO)
Practicioner – Kundalini Yoga
Zac was born to a mother & father in the United States Air Force, and was fortunate enough to travel throughout the world at a young age. As a child he was exposed to various cultures, including those of Japan, Korea, & Greece.
Finally after many years of travel, his family settled down in the great State of Ohio in the United States of America, where he arose in the life of a northerner. As a youth he fell in love with the game of basketball, where he admired the poetry in motion of such a great & challenging game.
In school he became an adamant student of History & the English Language. He would often marvel at the conquests of such gigantic personalities as Alexander the Great, & Napolean.
Around the age of 18, as he entered adulthood, he discovered a new passion. This passion would change the course of his life forever. He began to explore the Christian Bible, and was astonished at the wisdom that was contained inside it’s many pages. From the story of Joseph & his brothers, to the life & mission of Jesus, as he read more & more, he knew that something was calling to him. There was an outward knowledge that was evident, but what intrigued him more was the realization of a hidden & obscure knowledge that lied between the lines of that sacred book.
The next 9 years would be the beginning stages of a major change. What started off as a small fire was fanned by the winds of that great spirit, and his desire to learn grew with each passing day.
Finally, at the age of 27, Zac joined the Ancient Mystical Order of the Rose Croix, and embraced his life as a Philosopher & Mystic, where he continues to study & learn with his fellow initiates, and above all, serve his fellow man.

Unity Amongst Initiates
Bring together the initiates of the various mystery schools throughout the world, that they may have a common venue in which they may contribute to the wisdom of the ages.
For it is in the minds of these great men & women that the torch of reason is carried. May the flame of divine aspiration forever burn in the hearts of those that long to know, and in knowing, find that great spirit of truth.

Honor Those That Came Before Us
Pay homage to those great minds that came before us, and provide a place of study that their works may be easily accessible.
The Masters of the past have laid the foundation of wisdom for us to build upon. Topics such as Philosophy, Sacred Geometry, Astrology, & Anatomy were heavily researched in times past, and much of what was known in antiquity has long since been forgotten.

Provide a Light to the Curious
For those that possess the seed of aspiration, there is no stronger desire than to know. In ancient times this was referred to as “Gnosis”.
May the wisest among us help those who knock at the door to find entrance, and in doing so, uncover the answers to life’s great mystery. For it is in the knowledge of divinity, in combination with the spirit of truth, that man unites with his creator, becoming a beacon of light to those around him.